Exotic Flights is different than most other operators, in that the Company’s priority and emphasis is on service, the kind of service that pop stars, movie stars and professional athletes expect. In the highly competitive world of private aviation “We know that the cost of retaining customers is lower than that of acquiring new ones…“so we are especially sensitive to the needs and desires of our clients” says Gonzalez. Flexibility is an important ingredient in our recipe for success, even if that means letting aircrafts stand by for clients and not offering empty legs to brokers to fill. As for the Flight Attendants, Gonzalez likes to touch upon the older reputation of “Flight Girls“. For those who may remember those days, being a Flight Attendant was the ultimate glam-job. Nowadays, with all of the commercial airlines running their crews ragged, their jobs are anything but glamorous. At Exotic Flights, the flight attendants are very well kempt, refreshed, beautiful, and friendly. Not to mention they have very nice uniforms! Gonzalez is trying to make the flights very interesting as well as stylish. However, he does want you to know that despite his flight attendants beauty, he puts them through rigorous FAR Part 121 training and encourages them to initiate in conversation with the clientele. Many of the flight attendants are also in training to obtain their private pilot’s license as a mandatory part of their contract with Exotic Flights.